The new course of the technician of the shoe host by Malaspina

The new course of the technician of the shoe host by Malaspina

On the afternoon of monday, November 30, 2015, the guys in the second and last year of the course of the ITS the course of study in technical production led by Prof. Stefano Berdini, have visited the business reality of suolificio, many topics were covered, from the production of the soles to the activities of promotion/communication up to business. During the visit, first in the dining room samples have invaded Manola Santini of the commercial area with questions referred mainly to the theme of the markets served by the Company, and then on the continued and incessant search for Design, the path and then continued in the production department, finally the patternmaking. The students have done many questions about the hard work that is behind such a simple production of shoe soles and especially on the intense research and development activities, showing a lot of curiosity and interest.

The visit ended in the production departments of the establishment of Antonelli Romeo, which use modern automated processes for the production of molds, the students have had the opportunity to follow the various stages of processing the raw material into finished product is ready for distribution.

At the conclusion of the visit Prof. Berdini, has highlighted first and foremost, that the visit on the farm and has been an extraordinary opportunity to encounter between school and work, thanked Mr. Antonelli who organised the visit to the establishment, the Madam Manola of Malaspina team for the warm welcome and for the skills that the students have had the opportunity to develop species with the acquisition of information relating to the professional context of reference.

Look at the photo gallery

vista presso stabilimento di Antonelli vista presso stabilimento di Antonelli ufficio Cad/Cam vista presso stabilimento di Antonelli visita al reparto di produzione Malaspina visita al reparto di produzione Malaspina visita al reparto di produzione Malaspina visita al reparto di produzione Malaspina presentazione Malaspina in sala Campioni presentazione Malaspina in sala Campioni presentazione Malaspina in sala Campioni Il corso ITS, Tecnico della calzatura

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